Video Gallery

The large number of beautiful videos (listed in youtube) motivated us to start a video gallery, so you can have a look at different types of festivals worldwide. Have fun watching the videos! If you have videos from older festivals, or if you are a video artist - Contact us:

Love and Light!




Blackmoon Festival, Italy

Here are some beautiful video impressions of "Blackmoon Festival" in Italy. Enjoy"

Description from

To buy ticket and get more infos about BLACKMOON FESTIVAL visit our website or follow us on facebook
Black Moon Festival, Italy Black Moon Festival, Italy
Duration: 00:04:22
Date: January 31, 2015
Views: 6,349
Black Moon Festival, Italy Black Moon Festival, Italy
Duration: 00:07:25
Date: November 20, 2014
Views: 4,122
Black Moon Festival, Italy Black Moon Festival, Italy
Duration: 00:01:56
Date: August 26, 2014
Views: 10,266
Black Moon Festival, Italy Black Moon Festival, Italy
Duration: 00:04:51
Date: December 17, 2013
Views: 43,876
Black Moon Festival, Italy Black Moon Festival, Italy
Duration: 00:21:00
Date: October 17, 2013
Views: 4,331
Black Moon Festival, Italy Black Moon Festival, Italy
Duration: 00:05:26
Date: May 21, 2013
Views: 13,657
Black Moon Festival, Italy Black Moon Festival, Italy
Duration: 00:50:00
Date: June 7, 2011
Views: 4,735



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