MAE & MOA is a Decoration Team, doing Black-light paintings, Lycra installations and LED 3-D Objects for Party`s Festivals and events.

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YPSILON 2 Lichtkunst Illuminations Artist - Wir setzen Oberflächen durch geschickte Beleuchtung mit eigenen Entwürfen in Szene. Die RaumLichtPiraten von YPSILON 2 sind ein deutsches Künstlerkollektiv und fortlaufendes Projekt von Anke Münzberg. 

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Many people were able to see 2015 at festivals, the art of Petrix. Threads with simple cotton that will glow in black light created its own world.

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Author: Sehnsedahastes-Projekt
Date: Oct 14, 2002

Der "Vater" von Sehnsedahastes ist Ralle. Er fing bereits vor drei Jahren an, Parties zu dekorieren. Mittlerweile besteht das Sehnsedahastes-Projekt seit fast zwei Jahren.

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NoffiART blacklight decoration, dance floor concepts, object art NoffiART is Christoph “Noffi“ Dannowski, a Southern German deco artist, living close to the Bavarian Alps.

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Author: Avikal
Date: Jan 26, 2003

Over the last ten years he has built installations around the world. Known for his high tech precise style, his motorized sculptures create a landscape of geometric shapes that play with your eyes and provoke your senses.

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