
  • 7 Estrelo

    The 7 Estrelo is a group of contemporary music natural of Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Formed in 2007, released three albums, an EP and distributed over 10 000 discs for presentations in 10 countries in South America, North America, Europe, Africa and Asia.

  • Alemão Fractal

    Author: Fernando Almao Date: Apr 23, 2003
    I'm from brazil, and I'm interest in fractals because of colours and the complexity.
    I started to do fractals and print them like posters to expose in a club from brazil (Daime tribe's club = Klatu Barada Nikto).

  • Carlos Motta

    Here is a report from Carlos Motta about his way to photography. Enjoy reading! "It all started under the influence of a friend who encouraged me to photograph festivals.

  • DJ Roberdo

    Old set from 2007 called "Deep, dubby techno sound". Enjoy!

  • Evandro Jakus

    Evandro Jakus is a photographer from Brazil. He loves to take pictures at festivals.

  • Festival Alternativo do Kranti, Brasil

    Here are some beautiful impressions of "Festival Alternativo do Kranti" in Brazil. Enjoy!

  • Fiction Club

    Author: geossol Date: May 12, 2008
    High-tech structure, quality in the approach with clients and a valorous weekly program make Fiction Club one of the best places to dance and enjoy the night at Goiania.

  • Gemeos VB Fotografia

    João Paulo e Paulo Ricardo Vieira Borges: Irmãos gêmeos e fotógrafos que descobriram que a melhor técnica para fotografar é a técnica do amor.

  • Gustavo Ollitta, Italy

    Gustavo is a beautiful young international circus artist from Brazil, who is living in Turin. He is making researches around Manipulation, Optical Illusion and Circus Technique since 2007.

  • Henrique Marques

    Herique Marques is a photographer from brazil. He likes to take pictures at parties or festivals.

  • Impressions of Universo Paralello 13, Brazil

    Universo Paralello 13/ Pratigi Island, Bahia. Have a look at this really amazing video impressions! (made by Chinchulive - Jorge Martin Lerose)

  • Insight and Festival Alternativo do Krant 2014, Brazil

    Author: Tiago Oliveira
    Date: Sep 8, 2014

    We have a really amazing place in brazil - its a park: The name is "chapada dos veadeiros"...

  • Jacunda Festival, Brazil

    Here are some beautiful video impressions of "Jacunda Festival" in Brazil. Enjoy!

  • Lauro Medeiros

    Lauro Medeiros

  • Mundo de Oz, Brazil

    Here are some beautiful video impressions of "Mundo de Oz Festival" in Brazil. Enjoy!

  • Murilo Ganesh

    Murilo Ganesh é um dos mais destacados fotógrafos profissionais da cena alternativa nacional .

  • Pedra Branca Feijoada polifônica

    Author: Rogerio Martinelli
    Date: Sep 20, 2007

    The best Brazilian ambient sounds from Brazil

  • Pulsar Festival 2016, Brazil

    Visit on Facebook

  • Pulsar Festival, Brazil

    Here are some beautiful video impressions of "Pulsar Festiva"l in Brazil. Enjoy!

  • Ressonar Festival, Brazil

    Here you can find some nice video impressions of Ressonar Festival in Brazil.



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