Lebendige Menschen

Analoge Elektronik trifft auf Live-Schlagzeug und Didgeridoo, kein Laptop, kein Playback, alles LIVE!!



We are LEBENDIGE MENSCHEN - a Goa Live Act of a special kind. We have been around since 2007 and have been known as LEBENDIGE MENSCHEN from 2011 on.

With groove boxes and synthesizers, an E-Drum and Didgeridoos we create finest Goa. The Set we play is diverse - sometimes dark then hovering, progressive ahead and minimal backwards, comsic to full-on. High quality, hand made electronic music made to move your feet.



Festivals played

Zurück zu den Wurzeln (Tessin), Orange Sun (Menkendorf), Magica (Stadtoldendorf), Teichparty Festival (Grasleben), Survival (Berlin)


Booking and Contact


Lebendige Menschen bei Facebook


View latest tracks on soundcloud




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